Organic Aloe Vera Farm
Healing wounds, improvides digestion boosts the immune system, relieving sunburn,lowering blood sugar are just a few of the many benefits of Aloe vera.
Farmer Condition in India
India is a country that has the capacity to produce three crops season in a year still suicide cases are high in farmers.
How to grow Microgreens
Check the menu of the a fine restaurant or the produce section of a speciality grocery store, and you're likely to spy microgreens: tiny, delicate greens that add color, texture and flavor to a variety of foods as a garnish or ingredient.
How to Plant Asparagus.
Done right, planting a bed of asparagus is a once-in-a generation affair. Other than artichokes, capers and rhubarb, asparagus is the only perennial vegetable regularly featured in North American cuisine - it will send up those stalks each sping now.
Meet Caulilini, a new vegetable
From on species - Brassica Oleracea we get a truly astounding variety of vegetables. Napa cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli:those are all the same species (cross-breed).
Competitive Virtual Farming is an Actual Thing
Farming simulator 19 is the latest in a game series, mostly played on PC but with console versions available, dating back to 2008. It's in the mold of other simulations.
India Farming Crisis
The CSDS Study Report
As per survey, 76% farmers want to give up farming. Benefits of government schemes and policies go to big farmers as per CSDS survey on behalf of farmers' association.
Research institute reinforces what policymakers amd media have been talking about few years - that India is going through a deep agrarian crisis of farming.
Barking up the wrong tree in solving farmers' distress
Most steps advocated by governments and politicians are meant for catching votes without solving the real problems. To fix the farmers' problem the government needs to take tough steps and go up against entrenched interests in the coming years.
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